Author: Elisa Ricciuti


The marriage of Lady Philanthropy and Mister Impact

Yes, I know, this does not sound like breaking news. Some say they have already got married since long (not with a lot of clamor), others that they are a long established couple anyway. Does the ring really matter? Whatever the case, we all see that after years of turmoil, the couple is now at […]

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Foundations: Data & Comparisons in a 2018 Special Issue

How many special issues on philanthropy and foundations have you seen in the last years? Not many. Still, they are increasing! The effort of building a research environment on philanthropy and foundations is bearing fruit. Not yet the sweetest one, but still, fruit, thus healthy and promising! Glad to have participated in such an effort […]

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Futuro, filantropia e bellezza: benvenuti nuovi donatori

Ci sono alcuni momenti nella vita in cui il pensiero del futuro diventa dominante rispetto agli altri tempi: non si rimpiange il passato, non ci si lamenta del presente, ma finalmente si è più portati a chiedersi cosa potrà farci felici più in là, più focalizzati su un orizzonte lontano e più motivati a mettere […]

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Curriculum Vitae

I help organizations finding their way to a more sustainable, equal and pleasant world. I am a passionate facilitator of change. I advise, train and research around philanthropy, social impact, social innovation and all fields where private creativity meets the public good. I love to dedicate my time and energies to something more than my […]

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Wellcome Trust

Down to the nitty-gritty of foundations’ grant-making

A call for a “science of philanthropy” has been published yesterday on Nature by the founder of Giving Evidence, Caroline Fiennes. Once again, the need of sharing information and publish data about philanthropic giving models and solutions, failures and successes is coming out loudly from experts and practitioners and not only from researchers. Despite a […]

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The Impact of Third Sector as Social Innovation (ITSSOIN)

The three years-European funded project ITSSOIN (Impact of the Third Sector as SOcial INnovation) has come to an end. The project’s primary hypothesis is that the third sector, specifically through stimulating civic involvement, is best placed to produce social innovation, outperforming the commercial sector and the state in this regard. Sure about that? ITSSOIN has […]

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La Valutazione di Impatto Economico e Sociale di Avis: un’analisi SROI

Dopo un anno e mezzo di duro lavoro, è giunta al termine la ricerca condotta sulla valutazione di impatto economico e sociale dell’Associazione Volontari Italiani del Sangue (Avis). La ricerca è il risultato dello sforzo intrapreso dal Centro di Ricerche sulla Gestione dell’Assistenza Sanitaria e Sociale (Cergas) dell’Università Bocconi, insieme ad Avis, di giungere alla […]

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About pillow-talks, numbers and Professor Rosling

I was at the second year of my PhD when my friend Rik popped up in our PhD open space, smiling as usual, and asked “Hey guys! Are you going to the lunch seminar today?”. “Which seminar?”  someone asked – while I was thinking that nothing would have been so interesting to drag me away from […]

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Watch out! Spend-down foundations are changing the meaning of impact

Who wants to live forever? Not spend-down foundations, apparently. The so-called “spend-down” foundations are those which see their leaders committing to spend their capital rather quickly to achieve maximum impact, as opposed to the concept of “in-perpetuity” which refers to the fact that foundations are meant to exist forever. Let’s start with the latter. Since […]

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Nuovo Presentazione di Microsoft PowerPoint

Giving good news, or good news on giving

A new year has started and, like every turning point, reports on the state of the art of philanthropic giving and estimates for the future abound. But hey, you know what? It is ALL good news – some countries are even producing reports and estimates on their actual and future giving situation. For example, estimates […]

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