As a researcher in nonprofit management, social impact and social innovation, I respond to different research needs and work with a variety of organizations.
Not only public or third sector organizations are involved in producing and delivering responses to public needs, but also companies, communities, families, individuals.
I do research because I love knowledge - of humans, culture and society.
I do research to increase this knowledge, to plant a seed - and maybe see a tree in the future.
I do research to raise awareness of how many people work every day with creativity, passion and competence to respond to new challenges, for the benefit of all.
If you are curious about the research projects I carry out at Bocconi University, please find them in this section.
Articles on Research
Foundations: Data & Comparisons in a 2018 Special Issue
How many special issues on philanthropy and foundations have you seen in the last years? Not many. Still, they are increasing! The effort of building a research environment on philanthropy and foundations is bearing fruit. Not yet the sweetest one, but still, fruit, thus healthy and promising! Glad to have participated in such an effort […]
The Impact of Third Sector as Social Innovation (ITSSOIN)
The three years-European funded project ITSSOIN (Impact of the Third Sector as SOcial INnovation) has come to an end. The project’s primary hypothesis is that the third sector, specifically through stimulating civic involvement, is best placed to produce social innovation, outperforming the commercial sector and the state in this regard. Sure about that? ITSSOIN has […]
La Valutazione di Impatto Economico e Sociale di Avis: un’analisi SROI
Dopo un anno e mezzo di duro lavoro, è giunta al termine la ricerca condotta sulla valutazione di impatto economico e sociale dell’Associazione Volontari Italiani del Sangue (Avis). La ricerca è il risultato dello sforzo intrapreso dal Centro di Ricerche sulla Gestione dell’Assistenza Sanitaria e Sociale (Cergas) dell’Università Bocconi, insieme ad Avis, di giungere alla […]
FoodSaving: at the crossroads of social innovation
Food is always a nice topic. Food security less. Food poverty much less. The current economic and social crisis is influencing not only the availability of food in low and middle-income countries (LMICs), but in Western economies too. Wider shares of the population live under the poverty threshold, rendering contradictions more evident: in the same […]
Foundations’ decision-making
In recent years, private foundations have gained considerable relevance in global health due to their increasing presence in both financing and policy-making. Despite this, the question of how these actors make decisions on their funding priorities is under researched. This is where I decided to focus my doctoral studies at LSHTM in London. The aim […]